Repurpose your Content

20 Ways To Grow Your Business Through Social Media – Day 9

So you write content for your website. All the spelling is correct and punctuation is appropriate. You use keywords (without stuffing) and concise headlines. What’s next? Get that content out to your social media outlets. There are pockets of niche customers who might be looking for you in these places too.

An Article is not Just an Article Anymore

Maybe you have heard of leveraging your content? This is exactly what you are going to do to make it useful for attracting niche viewers through social media. Develop a content strategy. Your great articles on your website can become video tutorials, photo guides, podcasts, blog posts, webinars, free reports and more.

Let’s take a look at Facebook. Use article information as posts. Ask for comments from readers. Include links to the original content on your website. Photo collages of products or demos can be showcased here as well.

How about YouTube? Video tutorials are a great way to share information with viewers and get some traffic to your website. Let people know who you are through your profile and include your website address.

Images are not just for YouTube. Pinterest combines images with videos and your unique keywords to bring an idea to life for your audience. Make use of your content with pics to illustrate it as well as a link to the content that inspired it.

Remember how viewers want to know what value they get for liking your page or viewing it? Turn an article into a free report or guide that’s used as a giveaway for referring people to the page or as a contest gift.

There are any number of ways that you can leverage your website content on social media sites to gain the attention of your niche audience as well as drive traffic to your site. On social sites, you can read and respond to comments about your content right away. It sparks conversation and therefore, engagement with your viewers.

Repurposing your content is one way to stretch your articles. It can be hard to come up with new content frequently. This gives you some leeway and keeps your audience interested in what you have to say. Every time you change your content format, try to add some extra tidbit that hasn’t been seen before to keep the quality high. Scheduling content to post on future dates allows you to repurpose each article now when the ideas are fresh but for later use.

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