FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
20 Ways To Grow Your Business Through Social Media – Day 7
Have you ever had a simple question but didn’t know where to find the answers? With a website, this may require hopping from page to page for the information. Don’t make the task so arduous for your audience. Place it where they can find it and make it helpful. Don’t forget to include a Frequently Asked Questions section.
It may seem like a small thing, but people get frustrated when they can’t find what they are looking for on a website. And, because there are hundreds of them pertaining to the same subject, it is quite easy to click over to another site that would be more helpful. As a website business owner or a business owner that operates a website in addition to a storefront, your customers want the most direct route to the information they seek from you.
This is where the FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – section comes in handy. Every website needs one that can preferably be accessed from a pull-down menu or a very visible working link on the home page. But, what if someone is encountering your business for the first time on your social media page? This is another spot to let people know what your answers are to the questions they ask the most.
Setting it Up
Take a poll of your customers. This could be done on a follow-up email sent after every purchase. What are the questions they often ask you? Pull this information together along with the answers. FAQ sections are not just for easy questions either. Don’t gloss over issues that may be a bit more involved to find a solution.
Word each question as if the customer was asking it of you. The answers can be posted below the questions. For additional information, including links to specific pages or sections of pages on your website. This not only provides what the customer is looking for but also gets them to visit the site to learn more.
As new issues come up, don’t hesitate to add more questions to this section. And, the questions don’t always have to be about problems that they have encountered. Think about what you would want to know about your company. Include questions that provide general information as well. Someone may want to know about your beginnings, ingredients in your products, community affiliations and the like.
When the answers can be found easily, you head off a lot of potential customer service issues.